We watched movies. Yessir.
Spent the weekend with my other grandparents.
Ran to Hastings with my cousin
and rented a couple films,
OH, and bought a ri-goddamn-diculous amount of candy. =)
Three Cheers for Sour Jacks.
I ate WAY too many of them,
have had a stomach-ache since last night.
We watched
rad, rad movie.
Seriously, it's awesome.
It's so phenomenally novel in its take on teen angst.
Anton Yelchin is quite possibly
one of the
most adorable people ever.
...as is co-star Mark Rendall
(the suicidal outcast who, in true cliche, is a marilyn manson fan)
Give it up Hollywood!
The depressed kid liking M.Manson is so 1990s.
and of course, the lovely
Robert Downey Jr.
...even though he's getting on in years, eh?
the film is just full of loveliness.
{Listening to: "Nancy Boy" -Placebo}
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