Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pound My Knuckles Hard Against The Ground.

It's Been Awhile.

April 20th was the Bayside concert.
They were insanely rad.
Too bad nobody really cared about them.

It was mainly a The Starting Line crowd.
(Flash to me in the front row, dancing by myself like a fool)

Steel Train was first on the ticket.
I had never heard them before, and they were wicked.
Kind of like... Vampire Weekend...but more spastic.

Then there was Four Year Strong.
Meh...mediocre post-hardcore "screamo" band.
I do Love "Beatdown In The Key Of Happy" though.
I think I would have liked them better
if I hadn't been standing ON THE DAMN WOOFER.

Bayside after.
Oh man they're good.
Why have I not been listening to them for the past...eight years?
If you do not listen to them,
I HIGHLY recommend 
picking up a copy of
"The Walking Wounded" (their 3rd {and latest} full-length album)
right now.
Higlight? "Blame It On Bad Luck". (mad vocals)

I left right after The Starting Line began.
I can't be made to care about yet another pop-rock band
that sound like every other pop-rock band.

LOL of the night?
The ridiculously skinny, neo-emo boy behind me
who shrieked like a little girl
when The Starting Line came on.

{Listening To: "Pledge Resistance"- Aiden}

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