Sunday, April 6, 2008

If I Told You This Is Killing Me, Would You Stop?

The weekend is dead.
In a casket and 12 feet underground.

In 7 hours and 45 minutes
I will be sitting
in an ass-numbing chair,
pretending to care about the Electoral College.

which, FYI, I don't give a fuck about.

I am minorily ticked off right now,
for various reasons.


- It is midnight & I still have homework, MEANING
- I will not get the recommended 8 hours of sleep tonight, SO
- I will be even more tired and pissed off tomorrow.
- I am sick and tired of all my music & have no desire to listen to any of it, YET
- During the day I have nothing to do BUT listen to music. and/or read.
- I hate, make that ABHOR, every last person at my school BECAUSE
- Everyone at my school is a shallow, ignorant, brain-dead, annoying, nasal douchebag.

(I tend to generalize)

Good (Fucking) Night.

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